My rice named Amella. v1.0

## Software rice rice **Desktop:** - OS: [**`Void`**]( - WM - [**`Hyprand`**](; - Bar - [**`Waybar`**](; - Locker - [**`Gtklock`**](; - Screenshot - [**`Grim`**](;
**Main:** - Terminal - [**`Foot`**](; - Shell - [**`Fish`**](; - Promt - [**`Starship`**](; - Editor [**`Vim`**](; - Fm - [**`Lf`**](;
**Other:** - Music - [**`Cmus`**](; - Images - [**`Swayimg`**](; - Browser - [**`Firefox`**](; - Chating - [**`64Gram Desktop`**](;
## Themes - Gtk - [**`Catppuccin Mocha Lavender`**](; - Icons - [**`Papirus Dark`**](; - Cursor - [**`Google Dot White`**](; - Grub - [**`Catppuccin Mocha`**](; - Tty - [**`Catppuccin Mocha`**](; - Cmus - [**`Catppuccin`**](; - Font - [**`Roboto Mono Nerd`**](; ## Screenshots ![description](Scr/4-3.png) ![description](Scr/2-3.png) ![description](Scr/5-3.png) ![description](Scr/6-3.png) ![description](Scr/9-3.png) ![description](Scr/1-3.png)
P.S. I have a bottom bar (/waybar/hz) and a left bar (waybar/vt).